When learning of the death of Anna Szenes, the members of Kibbutz Sdot Yam decided to commemorate her and establish a house in her memory - Anna Szenes House was inaugurated in 1950 and was designated in order to preserve Anna's humane and Zionist beliefs.
In 1946, the book "Anna Szenes - Her Life, Mission and Death" was published. The editor, Moshe Breslavsky, wrote: "It was her death that revealed her life... a rich well of life was surprisingly discovered." Anna's writings became the inalienable assets of the Zionist movement. The poem "A Walk to Caesarea" ("Eli Eli") was composed by David Zehavi and became a kind of a national anthem. Her life has been immortalized in books, plays, films, and studies. Her diary has been translated into many languages. Ships, educational institutions, streets, and even Kibbutz Yad Hana were named after her. In 2014, the book "Anna Szenes: Letters 1935-1944", was published, at the initiative of her nephew Eitan Szenes and the Hanna Szenes Association at Kibbutz Sdot Yam. The book was a compilation of Anna's letters, edited by Dr. Anna Szalai, who added notes and accompanying texts to the letters from Anna's diary, as well as the letters written to her. The complex of Anna Szenes House, the open stage, and the Caesarea Antiquity Museum combine Anna's heritage with the history of the place, from which she departed on her last journey.
In 2014, the book "You Are Alone in Tbinitz" was published. He improves the compilation of Hana's and her family's letters.
"100 Influential Women, 1920-2019"
"time" Cover of the weekly magazine "Time", 5.3.2020
The "100 Women of the Year" project of "Time" magazine, which selected the one hundred
most influential and inspiring women during the years 1920-2019. Anna Szenes and Haviva
Reik were among the four women chosen to represent female combat soldiers in 1942
(mistake in the original text. The correct year is 1944).
Top: On the left, Haviva Reik, on the right, Hannie Schaft, a Dutch underground fighter.
Bottom: On the right, Anna Szenes, on the left, Miep Gies, who hid Anne Frank.
Design - Gluekit
From TIME. © [2020] TIME USA LLC. All rights reserved.
Used under license
חנה סנש וחביבה רייק היו בין ארבע הנשים שנבחרו לייצג את הלוחמות בשנת 1942.
למעלה: משמאל חביבה רייק, מימין האני סכאפט (Hannie Schaft), לוחמת המחתרת ההולנדית. למטה: מימין חנה סנש, משמאל מיפ חיס (Miep Gies), שהסתירה את אנה פרנק.
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